Friday, January 25, 2008

I've been a runner since May, and.....

...I've lost more weight in 3 days than I had in 8 months of running. It's funny how stuff like that works.

I guess this week hasn't been a total waste. I've finally made it down to my ideal weight! It's only taken 3 days of bathroom trips and no eating to get it done. Forget all that running business, that stuff is for the birds! IF YOU DON'T EAT YOU WILL LOSE WEIGHT! The secret is out!

No really though, I am concerned in regards to putting the weight back on, and how it's going to affect my running. I weigh 165-170 normally and I'm around 160 right now. I don't want to go eat a box of donuts just to put the weight on. I'm no doctor, but I'm assuming it's water weight and I've already sucked down 2 gatorade G2's and 32 oz of water today . I don't know about that stuff, the G2, btw. It's gatorade with less sugar. Big deal.

So, assuming I survive the race tomorrow, I'll have a race report from the back. It's the calhoun's 10 miler in Lenoir City, TN. Should be fun!

1 comment:

*lisa* said...

It's probably mostly water weight, but I say as long as you get hydrated the ligher the better if you're racing tomorrow -- good luck!!